High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

The heart pressure is the pressure on the veins and arteries during blood circulation, so blood pressure.
But when the blood vessel of the heart is tough due to various reasons and the heart becomes weak, blood pressure requires more energy or pressure than the usual normality of heart, this is the high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is said to be a kind of silent killer, because its symptoms are not easily understood, but silently damage the heart.
If blood pressure is 140/90 millimeters of mercury or more, then only hypertension is called.

High blood pressure causes:
Common people suffering from two types of blood pressure. These are primary high blood pressure and secondary high blood pressure.

1. Primary hypertension:

It is not possible to calculate 90% of the high pressure. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the cause of blood pressure, primary high blood pressure. Such hypertension works as a very dangerous and silent killer for the heart. Because if you do not prevent such blood pressure, your chances of getting more complex heart disease increases as the age increases.

2. Secondary hypertension:

If fat or blood clotting thickness is found in the Adrenal texts, then in the case of kidney problems, some side effects of some medicines such as painkiller medicine (ibuprofen, naproxen), the remaining 10 percent can be high blood pressure. If it is cured, it is possible to control secondary hypertension while taking treatment.
High blood pressure symptoms:
Headache, back pain can lead to pain, morning sickness and increased intensity of pain.
- Some people may feel hot in some cases.
- Sleep disturbances.
- feeling pressure on the chest.
- Rumble.
- Difficulty or blurred eyes
- Always have irritable temperament.
What are the causes of high blood pressure:

1. Genealogical:

- There is a hereditary continuity of high blood pressure, if the parents have high blood pressure, but the child also has high blood pressure.

2. Smoking:

- In reaction to various toxic substances of tobacco users in the smoker's body, high blood pressure, arthritis, varicose veins and other diseases can occur.

3. Extra salt acceptance:

Salt is rich in salt intake, which increases the amount of blood in the blood. As a result, blood volume increases and blood pressure increases.

4. More weight and lazy life:

- If you do not have sufficient exercise and physical exertion, your body weight may increase.
- It requires extra work to be done, and this results in high blood pressure for people with more weight.

5. Healthy eating habits:

- Excess fat fatty foods, such as meat, butter and diphthole fried foods will increase weight. Yellow cholesterol in the egg and liver, gorda, and brain-playing these increase blood cholesterol. Blood extraction of blood in the blood becomes more thick and strong when it is in excess of cholesterol. This can increase blood pressure.

6. Additional drinking:

Those who regularly drink excessive amounts of high blood pressure are high.

7. Diabetes:

Diabetic patients with high blood pressure occur with age.

8. Extra anxiety:

Blood pressure may be temporarily increased due to excessive anger, tension, fear and stress.
What should be done to reduce the risk of high blood pressure :
It is possible to reduce the risk of high blood pressure by changing the way of life.

1. To reduce excess weight:
- To control diet and exercise regularly. Once the weight is reached according to the goal should be restricted and exercise should be continued. I do not like to eat medicines.

2. Alert in food intake:
- To take low fat and low cholesterol food. Eating such as khasi or beef, liver, brain, gilha, gurdas, eggs will be eaten less. It is good to have high-fiber foods.

3. Salt control:
- To avoid extra salt beyond the required salt.

4. Drinking:
- Avoid drinking alcohol.

5. Regular exercise:
- morning and evening walking, run as fast as possible, light exercises, stairs using lifts, etc.

6. Breaking away:
- Smoking must be excluded. Stay away from smoker contact. Tobacco leaves, jars, filling gills etc. should also be avoided.

7. Diabetes control:
Those who have diabetes must be controlled.
8. Psychological and physical stress will be handled:

- Regular rest, sleeping on time, body fatigue and relaxation.

9. Regular test of blood pressure:
- Regularly visiting the doctor should check blood pressure. As soon as high blood pressure is detected, it can be controlled and protected from complex diseases or reactions.


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