Relieve headache without medication |14 way to remove headache.

 Relieve headache without medication |14 way to remove headache.

Headache in daily life is a common problem. Although most headaches are annoying, most of the head does not cure painful diseases.

Headache is a problem very familiar. People of any age can get headache. Headache is particularly prone to nausea and vomiting at one stage.

Headache type:

1. Tension headache or anxiety headache:
Headache is both on the head. Acute stress is felt in the head and pain may be in the neck. Mental stress can cause pain. Men and women are equally affected.


Headache is usually felt on both sides of the head and on the neck.
Headache lasts for weeks or months throughout the week.
However, the severity of the pain may vary on different occasions.
Headache can be any time of day.
 - The pressure on the head is felt. But there is no fever with pain.

2. Migraine headache:

- About 10-15 percent of people are affected by this type of headache. Migraine is more than women. Generally migraine signs occur at the age of 15-16 years and most of them last for 40-50 years of age.

During the attack of migraine, the level of serotonin in the brain of the brain increases and the outer arteries are expanded.

Headache is usually on one side of the head (half-forehead headache). But pain can spread all over the head.
Headache is a nausea, even in vomiting.
- The patient can not bear the light then.
- Worry, alcoholism is more than headache. Cheese, chocolate, etc. are also high in headaches. Sleep reduces headache.
- There may be hereditary history of migraine.
- There are usually no neurological symptoms.

3. Cluster Headaches:

Cluster headaches are less than migraine. This kind of headache is more of the middle aged men. But migraine is more than women.

- Severe painful headache.
Headache is usually one eye and behind the eyes and the eyes are red, the water is red, and the water falls. The water also drains through the nose.
- Pain is rarely done. Within five to ten minutes the pain is highest and it is reduced within half an hour.
Headache can be broken.
- Alcoholism is more than headache.
Headache lasts for several weeks and is done several times a day.

4. Sinus headache:

- People who have frequent coughing, this type of headache is due to their sinusitis.

This type of headache starts from the time of cold or cold-coughing.
- Pain is limited to the face or face of a specific place.
Headache is higher in the morning.
Sneezing - Pain is more than sneezing. Suddenly, headache is more pain.
- The winter is higher.
- X-ray or CT scan for diagnosis.

5. Eyelid headache:

- About 5 percent of headaches are eye-catching. Headache may be less if the eyesight is less. Headache can be a lot of time to study, stitch, watch a movie, or look at the computer screen.

Headaches may also be caused by eye diseases such as cornea, irritant in urine, glucoma or retrobal neuritis. Eyelid headache is usually in the eye, both sides of the forehead, or behind the head. Eyesighted headache should be an eye specialist.

6. Hormonal Headache:

- During menstrual period, headache can be caused due to prostate and hormonal osteoporosis. Birth control pills may cause headache. This type of headache is better when the menstrual cycle ends or stops eating birth control pills.

There are several reasons behind headaches:

- mental pressure
- Cigarette smoke
- Alcohol
- Excessive caffeine
- Bright sunlight
- Do not adhere to sleep rule
- Depression
- Dishonesty
- Cough flu virus
- Anxiety
- Tired body

Home remedies:

1. Water
If you have pain in your head, then you can easily heal your headache.

- Drink a glass of water when your headache is in normal level. Then slowly drink a little water.

When you have a headache, refrain from eating any soft drinks.

2. Ice Pack:
- It's a method of reducing headache. Lack of headache or heavy headache while holding ice packs or ice packets on the head reduces headache.

3. Hot Water:
- Hot water is very beneficial for headache. Take a hot water and take 3 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix it with a hot water and hold a towel in the water and see if the headache will be removed.

4. Lemon:
Lemon is very beneficial for headache and the lemon cleanses the acid-alkaline level.

During the headache, add lemon juice mixed in hot water to the yolk. Gut problem in the stomach, but sometimes it causes headaches.

- Make great paste of lemon pea and see the pain in the affected area. After a few minutes the pain will be reduced.

5. Apple:
- Apple and apple cider vinegar can both be used to dilute headaches. They help to restore the body's acid-alkaline balance. In addition, only the smell of green apple helps reduce the headaches of the migraine.

6. Menthol:
- Menthol is a very good tool to overcome migraine problems. Mentyl is being used to remove headache for centuries. You can use Menthol with different drinks starting from tea.

If you have been suffering from headache for many days, if the problem is chronic, talk to a good and experienced doctor, take treatment. Hopefully it will be okay.-Source: Topen Remedies.

7. Basil leaves :
If you have a head ache, use a mint leaves, you can quickly reduce the headaches.
- Make tea with mint leaves. When the water is boiled, cover it for 10 minutes. Then mix honey and eat it.

You can use mint leaves oil to cure headache. Neck, headache, reduce pain.

- If you have nausea or vomiting during headache, you can eat mint leaves.

8. Acupressure:
Many people have been using acupressure to overcome headache for many years. This small domestic system will help you to cure your headache within a minute.

- Above the thumb of the left hand and press on the other side of the thorax and garbage in the middle of the turban and turn around. In the same way do the right hand. Experts say it is expected to have a headache in one minute.

9. Herbal tea:
Herbal tea is very useful for headache. Herbal tea is made of curd, lemon and lemon. As a result, the incidence of pain is low. These elements also help reduce the nausea caused by migraine.

10. Clove:
- Heat some cloves in the pan. Take a hot cloth into a napkin. Take a minute's scent and see the headache gone.

11. Drink red cloves tea:
The clove of medicinal herbs is so much that the red cloth red tea can easily reduce headache. A cup of red tea can make you rejuvenate the work pressure.

12. Listen to music:
According to the therapies, the headache decreases when listening to the song.

13. Hot water bath:
To reduce headache, bathing in worm shower or hot water is a beneficial way.

14. Sleep healthy:
- Have a habit of sleeping 7-8 hours a day. Insufficient sleep can cause headache. If work pressure is too high, exercise light exercises every morning. This will always keep the mind alive. Before sleeping, drink at least 3 glasses of water to sleep.

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