Uterus Infections

Symptoms and treatment of uterus infections


Young people, especially those who are 20-40 years of age, have higher rates of uterus infections. 85% of cases can normally be done simply by sexual intercourse. 15% of cases may be infected for various reasons - such as D & C, Copper, Endometrium Biopsy, and Histrosalphongography. In two-thirds of cases, women generally under 25 years old and in one-third of the case are 30 years of age or older. In medicine, it is called a Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

★ Who is more at risk:

A reproductive age of men who have multiple male sex partners, who do not use pills or condoms, those who have had uterus infections, who use copper.

★ Symptoms:

Abdominal pain, fever, excessive bleeding during menstrual period, discharge of stomach disorders, pancreatic discharge, pain with sexual intercourse, menstrual bleeding.

★ Infection Method:

Gonorrhea, chlamydia, E. Plating, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus
This disease is caused by bacteria, bacteria, germs, etc. Through the sexual relationship, the sperm of the male and the trichomonaad (which is in the male's genitalia), the germs enter the vagina of the female. Later, the germs attacked the uterus, the ovaries and the ovaries. If there is a continuous infection, it can also cause infertility by destroying the uterus canal.

★ Causes of uterus infections of women: -

→ Women can develop uterine inflammation for various reasons. These are the reasons why every woman should know. It will be easy to stay safe from many unsafe complications related to uterus. The main reasons are mentioned below -
It may be due to cold, wet living, living in places, closing of seasons, excessive sexual intercourse, tired cervix etc.
Various types of biological pollutants in the uterus

For example, oral infection, trigeminal infections can cause inflammation.
It may be due to wounds in the uterus, tumors etc.
Due to menstrual rags, cloth etc., this disease can occur during menstrual period.
B. coli can cause this type of inflammation for a long time in the disease or by entering the urinary tract of the urine in the urine.
Gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. can cause inflammation.
After abortion, if there is something incomplete or complete, this may be inflammation, ie, nowadays it is forced to have abortion, this disease is also increasing more and more.
If the curate operation can not be done properly, uterine inflammation can occur, but it can also occur due to other operations.
It can also cause inflammation by having a biological at the time of applying the cancer. Again, there are inflammation many times but its exact cause is not available.
In order to not take proper care after urine, there is an abscess after the flowering of the uterus in the womb and it can cause bacterial inflammation in the abdomen.

★ Diagnosis:

It is possible to diagnose and treat gonorrhea with the juice of the uterus mouth, urine juice and bartholin gland (menstrual glands), blood tests, laparoscopy, and sunography.

★ Medical:

If infected, gynecologist will have to take regular antibiotics for at least 14 days according to the specialist's advice. If the disease is severe, it may take treatment even after admission to hospital. If you have too much stomach in the abdomen and you do not have antibiotics, you may also need surgery.

★ Followup:

After 7 days of ending antibiotics, the cervix needs to be cultured again and after three consecutive menstrual examinations, it can be considered as cured if it is found that there is no germ.

★ Complexity:

Infections in the abdomen may cause complications like ovaries and ovaries, peritonitis and septicemia. Once infected, 12% of the risk of infertility, 25% twice and more than three times, the danger is 50%. The disease can be chronic if not treated properly. There is pain in the abdomen or abdomen all the time. 6-10 times more than the probability of having one type of pregnancy (coming to other places inside the stomach without the uterus).

★ Resistance:

Safe sexual intercourse, condom use, use of pill, no more than one sex partner, as soon as possible, prescribe medicines as soon as possible on the doctor's advice, keeping the menstrual road clean, especially after intercourse.

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