3 food that will keep your liver healthy| and strong

The three foods that will keep your liver healthy:

Liver is one of the most important parts of the human body and the liver weight of an adult person is 3 pounds.
 The liver is associated with many important functions, such as digestion, metabolism, increase in immune system, nourishment in the body, etc.
Liver liver controls the blood flow of the body, blood Exposes toxic toxins, provides nutrients in all parts of the body. Also, liver vitamins, iron eb Simple sugar glucose is stored.

Since the liver is an important part of our body, it should be kept vigorous in any way.
         Healthy living conditions have a bad effect on the body. Lose increase, heart disease, feeling fatigue for a long time, digestive problems, allergies, etc. Because of the liver. Therefore, to keep the body and liver healthy, identify some foods that will keep you healthy.


The good food is to clean the liver. Garlic is cleaned by the Enzyme liver.
It contains two more elements called Alicin and Selenium which keep the liver clean and protect it from harmful toxic elements.

1. Take 2/3 of the juice of garlic at any time.

2. If you want, you can also consume garlic made from garlic with a doctor's advice.


The lemon antioxidant material helps to clean the body's liver and the De Limonen element activates the liver enzymes.
Besides, lemon Vitamin C creates enzymes more in the liver that is suitable for digestion.
Lumbar mineral liver increases the power to absorb various nutrients in the liver.
And make lewages for drinking at any time. Drink leavy tea every day, If you want honey can also be mixed.


Eat one apple every day, it keeps the liver healthy. Apte's pectin, fiber removes cholesterol from the toxin and blood from the blood vessel and also keeps the liver healthy.
 There are also some more elements in the form - Malic acid which eliminates harmful toxins from the blood in the natural way.
A type of apple is good for the body liver. So take one apple per day to keep liver healthy.
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