Vitamins for Women health

Keeping the health of women is necessary!

The whole family is looking after the women. That's why they have to work hard all day long. As soon as they did not take care of their own family, they fell ill soon. Then it is not possible to do the job. But an educated mother is not only a family but also cared for herself. It is important to eat some vitamins in women by keeping them healthy every day. Find out what vitamins will eat every day-

Vitamin A:

In the absence of Vitamin A, there may be night blindness, bone marrow inflammation and carotemalasea disease. Vitamin is useful for menstrual periods, liver breasts, vaginal infections. Not only that, Vitamin A works well in breast cancer also. Fresh green vegetables and red palm oil are a good source of vitamin A.

Vitamin B1:

The name of this vitamin is Thiamine. This essential vitamins transforms body sugar into energy. Since women need extra energy; So it's better to eat them. There is plenty of vitamin B1 in lean meat, nuts and seeds.

Vitamin B2:

The other name is Riboflavin. This vitamin keeps the prevention of disease prevention. Vitamin B2 also works with skin, nails and hair care. Riboflavin is available in milk and green vegetables.

Vitamin B6:
This vitamin is known as pyridoxine. It is better to eat this vegetables from the menstrual cycle before the pregnancy. Only newborn baby will not get enough milk in it; At the same time, you will also reduce your frustration during pregnancy. Avocado, banana and nut are good sources of vitamin B6.

Folic acid:

It is important for every woman to take Folic Acid during pregnancy. Those who want to be a mother or want to avoid various problems during childbirth, they also need to eat this vitamin. Folic acid is available in green vegetables.


Calcium is the first place in women's food list. Due to the absence of osteoporosis can lead to diseases. Women suffer from this disease more than men. Therefore, women must eat it to keep the bones strong. Milk made food and eggs contain plenty of calcium.

Vitamin D:

The calcium that we take through the food is absorbed by the bone through vitamin D. Fish, fish oil, milk, soy milk, fruits, Vitamin D Due to sunlight in the morning, it is possible to meet the needs of Vitamin D in the body.


Vitamin B complex is a vitamin K in the colon. This vitamin is essential to prevent pregnancy women's neural tube defects. It is produced in liver. Eggs are considered as excellent food sources.

Vitamin C:

Both men and women should eat vitamin C for good health. Vitamin will not only help reduce your age; Rather take care of skin, hair and nails. Citrus fruits and oranges are the best sources of Vitamin C.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E rich food products are always preferred. Vitamin is much more popular for women to keep the skin healthy. As well as delay, pregnancy and menstrual cycle helps to prevent Vitamins. The good source of this is meat, chicken meat, eggs etc.

These vitamins help protect women from health and various diseases.

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    Women Health Tips


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